Christian Doppler Laboratory for Security and Quality Improvement in the Production System Lifecycle (CDL-SQI)

In January 2018, the Christian Doppler Laboratory for Security and Quality Improvement in the Production System Lifecycle was established.

SQI’s mission is to both explore and develop concepts which improve the security and quality in cyber-physical production system lifecycles. The laboratory is financed by Austria’s Federal Ministry for Digital and Economic Affairs and its industrial partners Software Quality Lab (Austria) and SMS Group (Germany).

Together with the Christian Doppler Research Association, the Christian Doppler Laboratories promote the cooperation of science and economy. In order to solve specific industrial problems, academic basic research of the highest quality is combined with applied research.

All Christian Doppler Laboratories are financed by public institutions and the involved companies, whereby the Austrian Federal Ministry for Digital and Economic Affairs is the principal public sponsor.

Staff list working on this Project



Funding Body